

Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen über das Umzugsunternehmen SMART Logistik aus Filderstadt.

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I almost canceled our contract with Smart Logistik. But, before I go into why, I must first express my happiness with their service. The first gentlemen who came out to give us an estimate was exceptionally professional, polite and we felt very confident we chose a good company to work with. The moving team was also perfect. The 4-man team was professional, polite and very considerate of our needs. The team lead even took our dog for a walk as he loves dogs. They were very jovial and seemed to have a great working relationship. It was a very fast move and they took great care in making sure our house and furniture was well protected. They did such a great job we made sure to provide them with lunch and a tip. The owner even came out during the last leg of our move to oversee the move and chat with us for a bit to make sure everything was going smoothly. He was extremely polite and professional.

After having this experience, we would probably use them again, but as I stated, we almost canceled the contract and it was because of the secretary, Frau Köhler. I communicated with her via email and I translated everything I wrote to German for her convenience. The contracts were sent to me in German and as such, not all translated to English well for me. Therefore, my wife and I were left with many questions, which I forwarded to the secretary for clarity. I felt like I was always polite with her and thankful for her time, but I must of sent too many or something, because once I signed the contract, she never replied to my emails again. I inquired if they had received my money as I prepaid for our move since it was a flat rate contract. She would not respond to my emails. I sent her several emails before I finally went to their office to inquire. I needed a document signed and wanted proof that they had received my money. All I got from her was a feeling of disdain as if I was inconveniencing her. She was very rude to me. From my very basic understanding of German, I surmised from my short conversation from her, that the people who needed to help me were not in the office and that I must return later. I asked for a time and she tells me to come again the following day in the afternoon. I return and no one was there, her attitude similar and even my wife, who was with me this time, picked up on it. We were told to return again and again no one was there. Perhaps she is socially awkward, but it felt like she was enjoying giving us the run-around. It was at this point, we were beginning to wonder if we just lost our money, as we were getting nothing from her and very few people were ever in the office. I completely understand that they may have been busy or sick, life happens, but the least the secretary could have done was email me and let me know so that we are not having to constantly make time in our day to come to an empty office. It doesn't seem like that type of courtesy even crosses her mind. She just gives you a fake condescending smile and short impatient replies. We are taking off work and trying to arrange transport for our family from school and work, while trying to get to her office at the times she said. We found this to be extremely inconsiderate and not being from this country, dreading the possibility of having to seek legal recourse, this was not an ideal situation. If Frau Köhler spent less time on her fake tan and more time on trying to be a decent human being, I doubt we would of had this problem. Finally on our last visit to their office, the owner and the woman I believe in charge of their finance were in and they were extremely friendly and helpful. We got the confirmation we needed and documents signed in a few minutes. We would have most likely cancelled the contract had we not seen them that day.

But aside from the horrible secretary, their service was exceptional. I greatly appreciate the time and hard work of the rest of the staff. They have a great business, it is unfortunate that the person responsible for interacting with people has no people skills.
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Der Umzug wurde am 20.09.2017 vorgenommen. Das Team war super organisiert und hat tolle Arbeit geleistet. Es musste ein zusätzlicher Sprinter zum LKW angefordert werden. Dieser war innerhalb kurzer Zeit vor Ort. Das Team blieb tatsächlich bis alles an Ort und Stelle war vor Ort, obwohl es bereits 19:00 Uhr war. Der Chef kam auch vorbei und war sehr zuvorkommend und freundlich. Ich kann die Firma Smart Logistik mit gutem Gewissen jedem weiterempfehlen und würde sie jederzeit wieder beauftragen. Tolles Team. Macht weiter so!!
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Mit Smart Logistik haben wir unseren Umzug im März 2017 durchgeführt. Der Besichtigungstermin war bei uns Samstags. Hier wurde alles genau angeschaut und gründlich besprochen.

Da wir selber alles einpacken wollten, haben sie uns einige Tage davor die benötigte Anzahl an Kartons geliefert ( neu ).

Am Tag des Umzugs haben sie noch schnell einen Lastenaufzug geholt, da wir unerwartet Platz vor unserem Balkon hatten.
Der Chef war persönlich vor Ort um sich ein Überblick zu verschaffen. Er hat sogar selbst mit angepackt.

Alles lief wie am Schnürchen und wenn es mal etwas unklar war, wurde gefragt bzw. Das Problem in Eigenregie gelöst, also richtig TOP.

Auch unsere Lampen die wir eigentlich selbst demontieren wollten, haben Sie für uns übernommen.

Der Transport war auch kein Problem wir sind nur ca. 23 km umgezogen und so wurde alles an einem Tag erledigt.

Der Aufbau wie der Abbau der Möbel war kein Problem und jetzt nach knapp 3 Monaten haben wir immer noch keine Mängel oder Beschädigungen gefunden.

Der Zeitplan wurde zwar Überschritten um 2-3 Stunden, dafür kann ich aber sagen das Sie mehr gemacht haben als erst vereinbart und Sie sehr sauber gearbeitet haben.
Preislich hat sich hier nichts geändert auch durch die Mehrarbeit nicht, also auch hier wieder TOP.

Danke an Smart Logistik.
Jederzeit immer wieder gerne. Wir werden weiterempfehlen.
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Moving is always difficult, but SMART Logistik really made it easier. They were flexible, intelligent, adaptible, and quite reasonably priced. I had to change my moving day a few times and include a supplemental move - they took care of everything. On the actual moving day, the movers were quick, professional, and careful, and they took care of a few extra things, such as installing ceiling lights at my new apartment, quickly and well. Mr. Sestan, my point of contact, speaks excellent English and is fully aware of the requirements of the American community out here.

Highly recommended.

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