"Transportumzüge - Ihr zuverlässiger Umzugspartner in Frankfurt und Umgebung! Wir bieten Ihnen preiswerte, transparente Umzugsdienstleistungen mit höchster Qualität und Terminsicherheit. Ob Firmenumzug, Privatumzug oder Fernumzug - unser erfahrenes Team sorgt für einen stressfreien und reibungslosen Umzug. Unsere Experten kümmern sich nicht nur um den Transport Ihrer Möbel, sondern auch um Montagen wie Möbelmontagen, Küchenmontagen, USM-Haller Montagen und Seniorenumzüge. Wir verstehen, dass jeder Umzug individuell ist und bieten Ihnen daher ein kostenfreies und individuelles Angebot, das genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute und lassen Sie uns Ihnen helfen, einen stressfreien Umzug zu genießen!"Lesen Sie mehr

Sirelo fragt...
Wie sieht Ihre Versicherungspolitik aus? Wie gehen Sie mit beschädigten Gegenständen um?
Was ist der beste Rat, den Sie Ihren Kunden geben würden?

Three really hard working, nice and communicative guys turned up and worked unbelievably hard and didn't leave until they were sure I was completely happy.
They took all of the stress out of the moving process and the boss even phoned afterwards to make sure everything was ok.
If there was a 6th star I'd give it to them.
Thanks chaps for taking all of the pain out of moving.

We moved in total 1,5 days. Regardless the estimation they took time at first day from 9 am to 2 am (right at night). There were very kindly and even at this late time very aware of the stuff. We had to pay cash at first day. Some days after they come to build up the closets. We had the impression that they took so much time because their new in the business.
We had a throughout damage of high quality jackets and business shirts because their were transported on one site in the transporter on a rack, but the rack was not foiled. Because of late time and darkness at first day they scrateched this lined clothets against the side of the transporter. Therefore 50 % were damaged at the same high/spot.
We contacted them 2 times in a 2 weeks distance and requesting the insurance details. Every German movement has to have a insurance for customers by law. Based that we never received any feedback and the circumstance that we had to pay cash, it seems that they work not official.
So if you have low-worth stuff or taking your high-values by yourself, we can recommend them because they are very kindly and persistent. But if you like to hire a compliant working movement company, you should may look for another.Lesen Sie mehr